First day at work,

The Narrating Observer
3 min readDec 24, 2021

The alarm started ringing a little bit earlier than usual. She opened her eyes to see that the sun didn’t rise yet, or maybe it did and it’s just another grey day in Munich. It took her a few minutes to realize that today is her first day at her new job. She was very excited yet anxious. She never managed to get over the fear of not being enough, maybe someday she will, but until then she decided to live with it and try to make the best of it by using it as fuel that keeps her evolving. Enough thinking, she certainly doesn’t have the time for it today, she jumped out of bed fleeing her thoughts, and heading to the bathroom to get ready. Although she managed to build a habitude of having breakfast for the last few weeks, she just skipped it that day and settled for a dark coffee instead, because whenever the stress urges, she loses her appetite. She certainly should work on this, she thought, but not today. Today is a big day and she already was having a lot to deal with. After drinking her coffee, she put some make-up on. She went for a fresh look to get a healthy glow with some eyeliner because it weirdly helps to boost her confidence. It was already time to get on the road, she grabbed her bag and her mask, the thing you should never forget in the times of corona, especially when in Germany.

In the metro she was surprised to see a lot of people, she thought because of the current situation, it would be a lot less frequented because most of the people were supposed to be studying or working from home and all coffees were closed. It was not the case. For a moment she forgot about all the first day at work thing and dived into her thoughts again. Because thinking, that’s what she does the best or maybe not the best but the most. When all of this will be over, will she ever be able to get back to normal life again? she thought. She went from fearing to being alone to enjoying it. She even doesn’t fear the silence anymore, she became able to fall asleep without putting Choufli hal running the million times. Her friends were too busy building new relationships and didn’t have the time to meet on the weekends. That was the sacred time for their new boy/girlfriends. It didn’t bother her; she was just surprised at how people can make someone that they freshly met the center of their life. She didn’t blame them, she just stopped missing them.

She took a break from thinking because she arrived at the office. She was the second one to get there after her manager, who friendly welcomed her and offered her a coffee. The coffee machine was very fancy and reminded her of her very first job at burgerking, she smiled and felt grateful that she doesn’t have to do that kind of job anymore. Stressful jobs where you go home smelling like a burger. However, working there wasn’t always a nightmare for her, she even managed to find it in a way enjoyable. She made a very good friend there, Frau Mumo, a full-of-life single mom, who was passionate about her job. Despite the age difference she always had fun talking with Frau Mumo, even after she left her job, she continued going just to check on her. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the chance to say goodbye to Frau Mumo before leaving Karlsruhe. But she certainly won’t forget about this woman, who made the long night shifts at Burgerking bearable.

